
please stop talking like a civil war text book. please.

Spent the remainder of Christmas money on: Noble Beast, a collection of Emerson Essays and Poems, banana spring rolls. I spent over an hour at Barnes and Noble, because they started playing the Fleet Foxes album (beginning to finish) and I had to stay and listen to the whole thing, obviously. Not that I hadn't already listened to it twice that day. And do you know what else I did this weekend, my lovelies? I clean house, I bake brownies, I watch My Cousin Vinny twice in a row, because I sort of secretly wish I was Mona Lisa Vito. Also, because I am silly. Maybe if I put off writing my topic proposal, my Dickinson response, and my translation a little longer, enough snow will fall and I will not have to do them until tomorrow night. Maybe. I think so.


there are two kinds of doorhandles you can twist

I have had a very tiring week, my lovelies, and that is pathetic, because I was only at school for half a day. That's what I said, not even a full day, only a half of a day. But that is okay because I will sleep for as many hours as I can, and then I will put on my hat and fill up my thermos and it will be the weekend and then everything will turn out all right in the end. But as it stands, it has been a very tiring week.

Supposedly there was an Italian Renaissance, and a Harlem Renaissance, and supposedly there was a fellow by the name of Roger Fry and a woman by the name of Virginia Woolf, but as far as I am concerned that was much too long ago to be of much consideration because there is an absolute need for those things and those fellows right now, and no matter how hard I look, and no matter what people tell me, I just do not see them. I do not see them. And I wonder if they were ever here, or if they are only things written in books, like everything that I thought was real is turning out to be. And I love things that are written in books, but sometimes that is not enough. Right now for me that is not enough.


we know your house so very well

I checked out this book from my school library the other day, despite the fact that I know absolutely no french. I am a Latin student. But darling Catherine read the first page and it was very exciting. I would never have thought to find such a book in my school library. It was a most pleasant surprise. I just crocheted the coziest little neck collar-ish thing. I do not know what it would be called, except maybe a little hug. That is what I would call it. A hug. 


tiny baby tears i will collect a million years

If we had roots, they would sprout from our fingertips. This, I can say with certainty.
Yesterday, when I came home from school, I put on a green sweater and lay on the couch with a glass of tea in one hand, and my other hand over my face, and like this I listened to my Charles Mingus record. Today, I wore a scarf that is as long as eternity.


your kiss is on my butterfly lips

I seem to be in love with a thousand people all at once.
I am also in love with leatherbound notebooks.


english breakfast tastes like darjeeling

So today I went to a coffee shop owned by a friend and I drank two (2) almond italian sodas. The building has a little tower like circular room above the door. And there was a man riding his bicycle down the street with his guitar on his back. 

And happy new year, I guess. I am not the type to make resolutions, though I have resolved that this year is going to be beautiful. I have this vision in my brain of a pale blue velvet skirt, high waisted naturally, with a large pearl button. And I have this vision of petticoats covered all around in needlepoint pictures of women with doves in their coiffures.